Unfortunately we are here again, as we are faced with moving our business to a slightly more remote way of working under the latest Tier 4 guidance.
However, our aftersales functions and sales functions are still operational, albeit with some changes to the way things are usually done.
The good news is there is now light at the end of the tunnel for us all, as we see hope on the horizon with the vaccine rollout. Chorley Group is famed in the industry for it’s agility and forward thinking approach, and the last lockdown in November proved this more than ever. Our team are still on hand to help find your next car or keep your current one fit and healthy.
We can’t thank our loyal Chorley Group customers enough for their continued and unwavering support through these times.
Please continue to support us, visit our chorleygroup.co.uk website and we will ensure we are;
Keeping mobile, Keeping safe and Keeping the wheels turning.
All our dealerships will be working at 100% capacity to ensure your Aftersales needs can be met, and you can keep motoring safely through this period.
The Aftersales team are on hand via the phone (find your local Chorley Group branch) or you can book your slot via our online booking platform. All our team adhere to the very strictest of Covid guidelines with spacious work / waiting areas and enhanced PPE measures in place at all dealerships.
Sales, Click & Collect and Home Delivery
You can view our latest offers on new and used cars online and Livechat with our digital team till 11pm, seven days a week.
They can guide you through the online buying process, or, if you prefer you can chat to the dealership sales team here (contact us). We can send personalised videos of any car you’re interested in and we can now offer contactless click and collect services and free of charge fully sanitised home deliveries at a time to suit you