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Do I need a faraday bag for my car keys?

Faraday bags, in essence, help to reduce the risk of your car being stolen. Most modern cars have many features that increase convenience and help to make life a little easier and one of those features is keyless entry.

Keyless entry is becoming more and more common, especially now that most cars are becoming electric. This system allows you to keep your keys inside your pocket and still allow you to open your vehicle without pressing a button.

This is a great feature for many people to have due to the convenience of being able to have your hands full and still able to access your interior/boot.

Keyless entry and start systems are great and are becoming more widely fitted but this technology can also make your car more vulnerable, especially as technology is becoming increasingly more intelligent.

However, a faraday bag or pouch can help keep your car safe! We will explain:

  • What is a faraday bag and how does it work?
  • Are faraday bags expensive?
  • Do I need a Faraday bag?
  • Is one faraday bag better than another?
  • How do you know if your faraday bag is working?

What is a faraday bag and how does it work?

A faraday bag is a bag/pouch that blocks signal that are transmitted by a keyless entry system. The name Faraday comes from the inventor of the faraday cage, Michael Faraday.

When you put your key into a faraday bag, the signals that are sent are blocked as the bag is effectively a small faraday cage. The metal mess inside the leather or fabric absorbs the signals that are sent out by the key which means that the signal is reduced, and thieves have no signal to clone.

Are faraday bags expensive?

Faraday bags are not expensive as they are quite simple to make. You can purchase a small faraday bag or pouch for around £5 or less but larger pouches that can hold multiple keys can start around £10. The price depends on the materials used and specific styling.

Do I need a faraday bag to keep my car safe?

Keyless entry systems constantly transmit signals that unlock your car when you’re near it. The problem with this is that thieves know this, they use an electronic tool that can amplify the signal from your key if it is placed near a window, exterior walls or more commonly, near a door.

When the signal is amplified, it is sent to another receiver which is located near the car which fools the car’s systems into thinking that the key is close to the vehicle. This means that the car will unlock, and the thieves can start the car and drive away.

Most manufacturers have put in more safety features that will help to prevent this such as more sophisticated system designs that cannot be cloned. The faraday bags are designed to add an extra layer of security to keep your car safe from thieves.

Is one faraday bag better than another?

The answer to that question is yes and no. There have been many studies and most faraday bags work exactly the same and they are generally effective at blocking the signals. But the price, build quality, and materials can vary so it would be an idea to look at online reviews to help you find the best one for you.

How do you know if your faraday bag is working?

There are a few ways in which you can check if your faraday bag is working or is great quality. The first way in which you can test this is to put your key inside of the bag and then walk towards your car. If your car unlocks when the key is still in the bag, it is not working or is bad quality. If the car stays locked, then it is working.

The next way to test your faraday bag is, if the bag is large enough, put your phone inside and try to call your phone or connect a Bluetooth device. If the phone call goes through or the Bluetooth signal connects, the bag is not doing its job properly.

Contact us online today or visit us in branch and speak to a member of the service team who will be happy to help.

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