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What is Nissan e-4ORCE?

With the much anticipated Nissan ARIYA right around the corner, you might have noticed that it comes with an all-new technology called "e-4ORCE" but might not know exactly what it is? Well, let's find out.

Nissan has decided to up their game and take their technology beyond single electric motor systems by building a better system that drives both the front and rear wheels - e-4ORCE.

This new technology not only delivers a smoother driving experience but also increases instant acceleration which can help you in tight spots such as getting away at roundabouts, avoiding objects in the road, and potential collisions.

e-4ORCE helps you to maintain control over both the dual motors and each individual brake, which are being constantly monitored to help the car enhance handling and responsiveness in unprecedented situations.

The system helps distribute the torque evenly between the front and rear wheels in normal driving conditions but can send up to 100% to either end which will result in increased grip and performance when you're driving across different road conditions that would usually hold your ordinary road car back.

With e-4ORCE, one of Nissan's key goals was to ensure that you and all passengers experience a smoother ride by helping to reduce things such as cabin motion caused by stop/start driving in traffic, motion sickness, and discomfort that you would usually find driving over rough terrain.

This smoothness really comes into force with the ARIYA's 'snow mode', which when driving on ice & snow conditions, the vehicle's ultra-high-precision motor and brake control makes sure that the vehicle is still able to trace your intended driving line when road conditions would normally cause problems for other types of cars.

So, the e-4ORCE takeaway:

  • Smoother driving conditions
  • Improved handling & responsiveness
  • Dual motors to control front & rear wheels
  • Torque can be sent to either end at 100% capacity
  • 'Snow mode' for driving in icy & snowy conditions
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