Home Delivery or Click & Collect Choose your option, fully complying with government distancing guidelines
Order 100% From Your Home Simply reserve, buy outright or apply for finance
Fully Refundable Deposit If the vehicle you reserve with us isn’t for you, we will fully refund you your deposit

Hyundai Business Users

Flexible terms and monthly costs and mileage makes Contract Hire ideal for equipping your business fleet with brand new Hyundai cars.

Hyundai Contract Hire & Leasing

The Hyundai range is available under Contract Hire payment plans. Contract Hire and leasing are available to Limited Companies, Sole Traders or Partnerships, offering fixed monthly budgeting with minimal outlay. Contract Hire and leasing deals run over an agreed number of months with an agreed annual mileage applied to the car. At the end of the agreement you simply hand back and take our a new lease of your choosing.

  • Step One: Discover which Hyundai is most appropriate for your fleet. View the Hyundai range.
  • Step Two: Pick your new Hyundai and arrange your free 48 Hour Test Drive!
  • Step Three: Let us tailor suit your Hyundai Contract Hire lease at our Business Centre. Decide your annual mileage, initial deposit and fixed monthly payments.

Business Contract Hire (BCH) Benefits

Contract Hire is the one of the most cost effective ways to equip your fleet with premium commercial vehicles including vans, trucks, pick-ups and 4x4's. There are other benefits to Business Contract Hire leasing:

  • Equip your fleet with the latest technology in fuel efficiency and in-car technologies like Sat Nav, reversing cameras and Bluetooth.
  • Low initial payments, usually made up for three to six monthly payments.
  • Monthly payments are fixed at the beginning of the contract based on the duration of the lease and the annual mileage you expect to perform. The residual value of the vehicle will estimated and the monthly payments will be spread out to cover the depreciation costs by the end of the lease.
  • Remove unnecessary administrations and costs from your business, simply pay the monthly fees and hand the car back at the end of the lease.
  • VAT registered business can reclaim 50% of the VAT on the contract and 100% of the VAT on any maintenance element.