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Government Grant - All of Our Cars That Qualify

As you may already know, cars costing more than £32,000 no longer qualify for the Government's Plug-In Car Grant, but that still leaves you with plenty of choices to choose from across our range.

Below are 11 cars across our franchises that still qualify for the £1,500 grant. Please note that not all the trim levels of each of these cars qualify for this.

1) Vauxhall Corsa-e

2) Vauxhall Combo-e Life

3) Vauxhall Vivaro-e Life

4) Vauxhall Mokka-e


6) MG5 EV

7) Hyundai KONA EV

8) Hyundai IONIQ EV

9) Nissan LEAF

10) Citroen e-C4

11) Citroen e-Berlingo

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