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Fully Refundable Deposit If the vehicle you reserve with us isn’t for you, we will fully refund you your deposit

About Chorley Group

For over 100 years, Citroën has made vehicles accessible to all. In 2020, Citroën has made electric for all, with low emission vehicles accessible to all through 6 electrified nameplates within the range

Our Citroen dealerships provide the full Citroen range of new cars, including the Citroen C3, C3 Aircross, the 100% Electric Citroen C4 and the Citroen e-Berlingo. All our new cars offers are available on competitively priced monthly payments making it easier than others to drive luxurious cars at affordable cost.

Additionally, we hold over 1000 used cars in stock at any one time including many preowned Citroen covered with a Citroen warranty. Extended test drives can be arranged in any Citroen model of your choice by prior arrangement.