Home Delivery or Click & Collect Choose your option, fully complying with government distancing guidelines
Order 100% From Your Home Simply reserve, buy outright or apply for finance
Fully Refundable Deposit If the vehicle you reserve with us isn’t for you, we will fully refund you your deposit


Unfortunately, accidents happen. When they do, a Vauxhall Approved Bodyshop is the right choice for accident repairs to your Vauxhall. Your insurer may not necessarily choose a Vauxhall Approved Bodyshop, but you can inform them of your choice, keeping your Vauxhall the way it was built.

From the moment you walk through our doors, you can be sure of the highest quality workmanship and level of customer service that is second to none. Our Vauxhall trained technicians only use Vauxhall genuine parts that are covered by the manufacturer's warranty. That's why we are the right choice for repairs to your Vauxhall.

Vauxhall Approved Bodyshops also offer a free vehicle collection and delivery service, with your vehicle returned cleaned inside and out. We also offer convenient estimating at your home or work, whatever suits you best. You will be informed of the progress of your vehicle every step of the way and you will be given a guaranteed completion date. When available we also offer a courtesy car for your convenience. We work to and exceed the strictest standards in every area – from our premises, equipment, training and bodyshop skills, to working practices and quality.

We are audited annually to ensure these high standards are sustained and if not we risk losing our Approved status.

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