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Benefits of EV

What’s the point of switching to an EV?

Well, not only are they cheaper to run than traditional cars, they are also very reliable and require very little maintenance.

EVs are quiet and refined on the road, with smooth and instant power delivery. To put it into context, a Nissan LEAF has similar torque to a 3.5 litre V6. But its fuel costs the equivalent of a petrol car which achieves 300mpg.

EVs have considerably less vibration, as the motors only have one moving part, compared to the hundreds of moving components in ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles, so this in turn causes less driver fatigue, and means you get to your destination feeling fresh.

So EVs are better to drive than traditional cars, but what else is so good about them?

Pure Electric vehicles pay zero road tax. Nothing. Nada. It’s based on emissions, and they don’t have an exhaust, so it had to be zero, right?

EVs may also benefit from other freebies – like free parking, zero congestion charge in cities, or free charging at businesses. For more information, click here: <Incentives and Grants

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