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New Peugeot Contract Hire Offers

Browse our new Peugeot offers available on Contract Hire allowing you to spread the purchase cost without additional charges.

You'll find offers on new Peugeot models all across the range such as 208, 2008, 3008, 508, Rifter and many more. Simply find the deal that suits your needs, tailor it, and we'll take care of the rest.

Peugeot Contract Hire offers:

BCH2008 ALLURE PURETECH 100 9 + 23 Months5,000£195 + VAT
BCH3008 ALLURE HYBRID 1369 + 23 Months5,000£215 + VAT
BCH3008 GT HYBRID 136 AUTO9 + 23 Months5,000£239 + VAT
BCHE-3008 ALLURE 157 KW AUTO9 + 23 Months5,000£319 + VAT
BCH408 GT 130 AUTO9 + 23 Months5,000£249 + VAT
BCH5008 ALLURE HYBRID 136 AUTO9 + 23 Months5,000£295 + VAT
BCHE-5008 ALLURE 157 KW AUTO9 + 23 Months5,000£339 + VAT

Have a question?

You can contact your local Chorley Group Peugeot dealership using the details below.

Ormskirk Peugeot: 152 County Rd, L39 1NW | 01695 661551

Blackpool Peugeot: Amy Johnson Way, FY4 2RP | 01253 523928

Alternatively you can contact us on Live Chat until 10pm everyday of the week or e-mail us at for more help.