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GWM ORA UK Join The Chorley Group Family

We're pleased to announce a new partnership with GWM ORA UK that brings a brand new franchise to the family based out of our Chorley Group Head Office.

Going live from the 13th of March 2023, we'll be offering customers the chance to get their hands on a brand-new fully-electric car, ORA Funky Cat.

The ORA Funky Cat is retro, yet fresh and futuristic, and comes equipped with some fantastic specs such as:

  1. WLTP range of up to 193 miles
  2. 48kWh battery
  3. Adaptive & Lane Centring Cruise Control
  4. 360 Degree Cameras
  5. Voice Assistant
  6. 18” Alloy Wheels
  7. Wireless Phone Charging and;
  8. 5-Years, unlimited mileage warranty (with cover on the battery for 8 years or 100,000 miles)

Commenting on our new venture, Group Operations Director Sue Corkin said: “GWM ORA is one of the most exciting brands to launch in the UK this year. With standout styling, innovative tech, and a premium fit and finish, we’re confident it will be a huge success"

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