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A Trio of Promotions at Chorley Group

We're proud to announce three key promotions within the Chorley Group family, with the new positions taking up the "Head Of" roles.

As we start a brand new year, we are always looking for ways to continue our development as a business, with this year being focused on Efficiency & Experience, and we have lots of exciting redevelopments, updates, and new opportunities in the pipeline for the business and teams.

And along with the exciting growth comes the need for greater internal structures and a reorganisation of certain elements of decision-making/reporting, helping our group management structure to operate even more efficiently.

With this, we are very happy to announce three key promotions within Chorley Group, creating a new ‘ Head Of’ set of roles for the business, reporting directly to the board.

As a business, we pride ourselves on our family approach, with as linear a management structure as possible, but we are also acutely aware of our opportunities and inefficiencies at times and the need for more structure is evident.

It gives us great pleasure to congratulate the below on their new positions and titles.

  1. Will How - Head of Finance (HoF)
  2. Gillian Howells – Head of People (HoP)
  3. Martin Butler – Head of Projects, Systems & Compliance (HoPSC)

These promotions further cement the groups commitment to personal development, internal opportunity creation, and continued reinvestment for growth.

We have a massive few years ahead and the group remains confident in our vision and plans for the future of the business, leading the way in a rapidly changing industry.

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